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Reddit Waiting to Hear Back After Final Interview

It is so exhausting waiting to hear word if you got the job after the final interview

It's like a background app running on your phone eating data and draining the battery ... you keep thinking about what you said or what you could've said ... it sucks being on someone else's timeline but it is what it is.

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level 2

All facts.

Applies to many things in life.

level 1

The point is not to wait to hear. Keep making moves. Definitely don't put everything on pause the minute you have one good interview.

level 1

I'm in the same boat, I know at least one of my references was contacted yesterday so now I'm just waiting anxiously.

level 2

You're lucky. None of my 3 have been contacted yet and my third interview was last Monday.

level 2

Oh man. Reference checks should calm your nerves! Unless someone really blows it, it's almost certain at this point.

level 1

Continue your search don't pause your search. You can always choose later if you have more than 1 choice. Stay Hungry and Stay Motivated!! 🔥 🔥 🔥

level 1

Same. I was told to reach out if I hadn't heard anything by today. So I reached out. Before today I was confident as fuck and now I'm second-guessing myself.

level 1

I'm in the same boat. A company I've been interviewing with wants to build me a new role, and the process is taking forever. My next call with them is on Friday.

In the meantime, I'm using LinkedIn like a desperate college student on Tinder. Easy Apply is godly.

level 1

You're doing it wrong. It's important to have a job but if you take it too seriously, then your brain will hurt. Interviewing is like going on a date - you might be awesome enough but still not vibe with your date (employer). That is why it's utterly useless replaying scenarios in your head. Detaching oneself a bit, enjoying the process, and avoiding negative emotions will make the job search that much easier.

level 1

I think about it a lot, and then I end up contacting them to follow up. I always feel bad doing so, but I know that I'm permitted an answer since I interviewed. I usually will follow up at the end of the week. I just got a response today after following up on Friday.

level 1

I know how you feel! I was refreshing poor Gmail constantly.

level 1

No it isn't. I just assume I didn't get it.

level 1

It's really made worse by the lack of transparency and inability to notify/reach out for notifications.

It's understandable if a company is being held up by extraneous factors. But that shouldn't have stopped employers from anticipating those risks, communicating expectations to applicants, and either set recurring notifications until a decision is made or allow applicants to check in at their own pace.

level 1

I'm in the same boat! Did they at least you give you a timeframe? I didn't get one, just a "as soon as I have feedback I'll let you know...."

level 2

They told me I'd hear back sometime before the end of last week. The people that matter all responded positively to my thank you emails. At this point I have to reach out for an update otherwise I might seem "unenthused" or whatever. Or, I just might be bugging them before they're ready to pull the trigger for whatever reason. Who knows. It's all one big mindgame.

level 1

Same here. I should hear by the end of this week but the wait is excruciating

level 1

I've always tried to ask for a timeline at the end of the interview so I could at least not worry for a little while.

level 1

It is. I hope you get it. Good luck!

level 1

I hate this so much, I waited 4 weeks only to be told I was at the top of the list - but the company had decided to withdraw the job role for a couple of months and they would be in contact then. Well, that's no good for me!

level 1

For one particular job I did a one day paid trial, and they said they'd ring back on Wednesday the next week. Well, they didn't, and said they'd call back later. They never did, and didn't answer my call, text, or email.

level 1

I feel you. Had one interview 2 days ago, another this morning, now just playing the waiting game. I'm sooo nervous!!

I'm so ready to get out of my current job too, so I'm not sure if I should wait to hear back from the two I interviewed for, or just start applying for more right now.

Reddit Waiting to Hear Back After Final Interview
