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Ok Go Here We Go Again Elevator Muzak

Elevator (2012) Poster

iv /ten

Has its ups and downs

Nine diverse people become stranded in an lift of a corporate building afterward the head honcho's spoiled daughter hits the emergency button. Soon a person with a makeshift bomb makes his or her devious intentions known.

This moving-picture show, while filled with movie clichés, still manages to be somewhat tense and pretty watchable due to adequately competent interim from almost everyone involved (I personally didn't care for either the kid nor Joey Slotnick, the latter I can't remember anything practiced he'south been in). Information technology's not the all-time movie about people stuck in elevators just it'due south non the worst either.

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five /10

All build-up, lilliputian pay-off

ELEVATOR has a decent prepare-up: a grouping of characters are trapped in a stuck lift, and one of them holds a secret that's going to put them into a dangerous situation. It's a clear copy of the contempo Shyamalan-produced horror picture show DEVIL, except this one'southward non-supernatural. The box proclaims that it's the moving-picture show that DEVIL could have been, but that's a downright lie.

Because ELEVATOR is a thwarting. Sure, the gear up-upwardly is fine and the character mix is okay. Y'all tin can't really fault the acting, either, fifty-fifty if most of the bandage are unrecognisable bated from THE FLY'due south John Getz playing a typically jerkish character. Everyone puts in solid, if unspectacular performances, and I did like Joey Slotnick as the loud-mouthed comedian despite his character's advised, irritating nature.

The trouble with this is the script. It's off-white to say that nix really happens in ELEVATOR, and there's certainly nix here to brand this unmissable viewing. I tin can retrieve of two expert, suspenseful sequences in the unabridged film, and the rest of it is just countless build-upwards leading to a pay-off that never arrives. I actually enjoyed the first half more than the second, purely considering of the expectation value. The ending is especially disappointing and lightweight.

This should accept been much amend than information technology is, because Stig Svendsen does a practiced job of shooting within the claustrophobic confines of his small-scale-scale set and there are all the correct ingredients; it's only that they don't amount to much in the end. And the incredibly irritating girl in it should take been killed; information technology was criminal that she never got punished for her daft deportment.

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half-dozen /ten

A slow but steady ride

Take a wait at the title: Elevator. What practise you think this film volition be about? Well, you lot're probably right. Pretty much the whole film is prepare in the elevator. If you call up you'll similar a moving-picture show that simply and deliberately stays put, and so give information technology a get.

Many comparisons have been drawn to the film 'Devil,' which is too primarily set inside an elevator (the merely major deviation is that Elevator is not supernatural).

The story is most nine people, trapped in an elevator with a flop. When you have a picture that writes itself into a corner with its location, you need to establish the characters pretty chop-chop. Here, nosotros by and large have stereotypes. In some ways information technology'south good because we can basically read each and every 1 of them direct away. In others ways information technology smacks of lazy writing.

Elevator can best be described every bit a 'thriller.' However, some may question how 'thrilling' a picture can exist set up inside a box. It'due south basically virtually their attempts at escaping. If you lot recall you can stand the whole ninety minutes in a box with them, it may be for you. Information technology certainly won't be to everyone'due south tastes, but I didn't feel like I'd completely wasted ninety minutes of my life.

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4 /x

Yeah, overnice suspense thriller, well, NO it isn't

Alert: Spoilers

For a moment I retrieve i was going to see a great moving-picture show, the showtime minutes are very well developed and the music and furnishings are very well put together in the right moments to create tension and panic, only... the movie shortcomings are way bigger than the good points.

Small spoilers ahead...

For starters, character inconsistencies. The characters plow from heroes to whiners from one 2d to the other, we have some kind of creepy 13 years old girl who, BY NO Ways, unless is possessed past the devil itself will express joy at this tragedy or volition attempt to press the buttons of the elevator when SOMEONE is trying to exit!

This, it is just not apparent and in fact, ridiculous, unless of course we're talking with Carrie hither.

We accept a terrible claustrophobic comedian guy who later the elevator is stopped, suddenly it'due south decease disappears and and so decides to bear like a hero.

We have a coward who sleeps with other women that tries to force the escape in the most possible stupid way considering he as well decides to behave similar a hero.

I could proceed and on and and then we reach the second biggest flaw of this movie.

Forced situations with no explanations

1 hr stuck in the elevator with the head of the corporation in there and NOBODY respond to this guys when they enquire in the alarm push button, NOBODY, in fact, they but leave and exercise not answer, NOBODY TRIED to reach them and try to get them out, even BEFORE there is any sign that there is a bomb in the lift.

They are basically left stranded with no outside help even when nosotros are supposed to believe that this is getting in the news of the world!

This addition of inconsistencies turns this possible great picture in the first deed into a totally insane and dumb motion picture in the 2nd act.

Last point, decisions. The decisions taken by the passengers are beyond stupid, in one point one of the guys just want to go out of the lift to printing the external push so the lift can move, he is in the acme spot and he just decide to press the "downward" button? YEAH RIGHT! I Volition Practice THAT TOO, If I wanted to be cut in one-half!.

If the bomb is not sensitive to movement, why in the proper name of god doesn't this guys take it out of the passenger and throw information technology out of the elevator? Later in the picture show y'all will see why and even when the director tried to exist dramatic in the setting, its just stupid because y'all will see a thousand ways more easier to take this bomb out than the solution this guys decides to implement.

End pocket-size spoilers...

The beginning xxx minutes are very well executed but later on that, the movie went downhill, horrible last human action, only a nice "sentence" in the conclusion and a totally unnecessary stupid dialog to shut the pic... this turned a overnice possibility in a total low B-grade picture.

The movie does developed in a way that lead you to believe there is something else and there volition leave you hanging up until you encounter the credits and enquire yourself what dafuq did I just saw?

It's similar the producers/managing director had to end the movie somehow and screw themselves in the last 30 minutes just for the sake of it.

Actually, it's not worth the effort put into the first deed, it's not worth the effort menstruation, if you desire to see a more intelligent movie about an elevator please go see DEVIL. Even when that movie was fantasy and this a suspense-thriller, the actions and consequences seem a lot more credible in that location than in this "elevator" nonsense, this in itself is a nice paradox.

iv out of 10 only because of the prissy music.

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6 /10

A tense and entertaining movie well-nigh existence stuck in an elevator with a flop. If yous liked "Devil" you will like this. I say B+

"I've been taking this lift everyday, ten times a 24-hour interval, we all have for half-dozen years and information technology's never once gotten stuck." A group of people on their mode to a party for work are starting to pile in an elevator. When the limit is reached they begin the ascent to the top floor. Tensions showtime virtually instantly and when the elevator gets stuck in between floors things get worse. While talking to each other the find that i of them has a flop. They now have another reason to try and find a way out, fast. I know not many people exercise, but I really like these movies that take identify in one bars expanse. There is something tense and terrifying about that. This one is no exception. Much like the moving picture "Devil" this one takes place in an lift simply instead of being a directly horror movie this one is more than dramatic and full of tension. The characters are all interesting and believable. Some of the movie is a little out there, but overall a pretty believable movie. Overall, if yous like movies like "Devil" or "Buried" and then yous will similar this one too. I did. I give it a B+.

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4 /x

Movie total of plot holes and flaws

Warning: Spoilers

People rating this flick ten ,9 and 8 confirms to me that i shouldn't trust ratings here , i hateful seriously you think this pic deserves more than four ? Whoever wrote the scenario is either stupid or some ten years old kid, outset of all the characters are not keen actors , i didn't feel that these people are really in a big trouble !! They were acting so cold and at that place was no consistency betwixt these characters, at present allow'southward hash out the plot holes , outset the elevator is stuck and subsequently they reported that they are stuck in the elevator no 1 even bother to come to gear up the problem or to rescue them , i hateful how long it takes to do that ? Second that guy who tried to push the push from outside with a stick ! I mean seriously?? You barely had enough infinite to pull ur head and hand out and what practice you lot recall it'southward gonna happen if you push the button down haha ? I am certain whoever was in that situation would know that he wouldn't have plenty fourth dimension to become back to the lift room before it goes downwards !! Just him, he just pushed the button down and lost his hand , that was the stupidest matter i e'er seen, third they knew from the bomb maker that they had at to the lowest degree x min for the explosion , why don't they didn't only throw the body out , y'all really retrieve if you are in that state of affairs you lot would rather pity the expressionless torso knowing that after x min you certainly going to die ? This is absurd !! Forth using that little knife to cutting the torso !! Seriously!! I would buy information technology if she was skinny! That lady is and then fat ! That knife would even cut a wire hah merely in the movie that man was able to cut it in i min and then said now all we need is to pull out hah this is hilarious

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vii /x

Surprisingly, I Enjoyed This

"Elevator" in most respects has a pretty simple plot - almost as well simple, which made me think it would exist rather thoughtless. A bunch of people are stuck on an elevator - and at that place happens to be a bomb amid them. And then, the question is, tin they get unstuck in time earlier the bomb goes off.

There's cipher complicated or pretentious here, and the picture show is barebones. Except for a few minutes in both the opening and the endmost, the entire movie is attack the crowded elevator. At kickoff, they don't know there's a bomb, and you basically simply watch the grouping dynamic amidst a diverse group of people who deal with being trapped in a variety of means - from complete calm to claustrophobia. For a while I was thinking that but the story of this various group existence stuck together could have fabricated for an interesting study of group dynamics without the bomb, and I was wondering if introducing the bomb was necessary. The bomb really worked surprisingly well. The whole group dynamic study was still there, but the introduction of the added tension worked very well to ratchet this up.

None of the characters were well adult, but we acquire enough virtually them as they interact on the elevator to at least go a sense of who they are. None of the actors are major stars. The best known and most recognizable to me was probably Jerry Slotnick. That lack of a large proper noun created more than a of a composite cast and helped united states focus on the group rather than on 1 individual inside the grouping. There are some story points that didn't work all that well for me. The reporter beaming some video out on her cell phone seemed contrived; and the attempt to complimentary the lift using a small crack through which an arm could exist reached had anticipated results - why would anyone even effort that, given that the outcome of any success was so obvious? All things considered though I was surprised by how watchable I found this, fabricated even more and so by its very brusque (1:20) run time. (vii/ten)

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8 /10

Crazy elevator ride

I got to run into this i on it's world premiere yesterday, at the Tromso International Moving-picture show Festival. Non knowing what I could wait from this hardly known Norwegian director, Stig Svendsen, I was still hoping to see a nerve wrecking thriller well-nigh modern day terrorism. The film started out equally expected, simply it seemed very unoriginal at first. The main characters seemed too familiar and likewise smooth. Additionally I found a couple of the actors weren't any good. But equally the film got going, it turned out this wasn't at all a dead serious thriller. A couple of really watchable characters showed up, and the scripted turned humorous, in a quite successful way.

The film goes on as a rare mix of comedy and thriller, that actually works brilliantly. The filmmakers have successfully combined a serious situation with sense of humour, and the result is one crazy elevator ride. It owes a lot to traditional activeness comedy films, but at the same time it really is something of it's ain. It's rare to see such entertaining films and especially films about such a relevant topic.

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6 /x

Retrieve It's Not A Blockbuster Or A Horror Movie

A diverse grouping of people take an elevator to a corporate event . Due to the actions of the spoiled granddaughter of the visitor boss the lift becomes stuck . What may on the surface seem like a torturous inconvenience ends upwards becoming mortal peril for the group when it'south revealed that i of the guests is carrying a bomb

I'm slightly at a loss why Lift isn't held in slightly higher regard by my peers on this website . I watched it on the British Horror Channel and may exist this is the problem ? If you're coming in to this moving picture expecting graphic violence , torture porn and the like you lot're going to be very disappointed because this is non a moving-picture show for hardcore gore hounds . Instead ELEVATOR is a depression budget minimalist indie type thriller where people detect a bad situation turn far worse than they expected . It's most a very good film . Almost

" Hey Theo you said almost . Out with it . What's on your mind ? "

I don't know if it's down to my recent marathon short film sessions along with seeing the occasional contained moving picture like THE PERFECT HOST but there is an off vanquish quirky nature to many of the movies I've reviewed recently and Elevator starts off in the exact same vein with the characters beingness introduced and the pivotal character is George Axelrod , a vulgar smart ass comedian who has the displeasure of both being stuck in a life and being stuck in a lift with a ten year former spoilt deviling and other people he doesn't like . He shows signs of misanthropy and despite never being in the same league every bit Christopher Hitchens when it comes to abrasive put downs George shoots from the lip and you tin buy this guy existing in the existent globe and not just in a moving-picture show . I would have liked to have seen more of George becoming more frustrated with the situation and his fellow captives become more frustrated at him

Unfortunately because this film is about a time bomb in a lift and not misanthrope reminds himself why he hates people the motion picture centres around who is the bomber and what tin they exercise to stop the bomb exploding . There is some blood and violence merely remember this is not a horror motion-picture show and perhaps more importantly this isn't a massive blockbuster from a major Hollywood studio and then there's no mock heroics from some pretty boys , no stunt work and no CGI which means a lot of people volition discover information technology somewhat lacking in excitement . As information technology stands ELEVATOR is more than adequate only I would have liked it more if had stayed a quirky off beat out drama instead moving in to thriller territory

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half dozen /10

I took the stairs afterwards watching information technology

So this gem is now available on Netflix and I recommend it. Well acted and pretty well paced little motion picture nearly a grouping of strangers (well a few know each other just I volition not say how) that go on an elevator. Past interesting means, the elevator gets stuck and from there, the motion-picture show really takes off as the group is in severe danger.

The bandage of characters are perfectly suited for this kind of film. A little something for everyone if you will.

Being slightly claustrophobic myself, I felt the tension in the lift. The characters really play off each other well (especially the wise-cracking comic and the snotty piddling girl)and you sense that once you lot figure out the trouble, that it seems 18-carat and real. A very curt movie (a little over an 60 minutes and 15 minutes long), the last 10 minutes really were not needed, I think it was simply added to make the length of the moving-picture show more industry standard acceptable. A fast tricky beginning sets an early on footstep that never really dulls.

6.25 out of 10. Good plenty for a watch and some popcorn.

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half dozen /10

Up and down

Look at the title. You see that one word title, at present tell me, what practise you expect from a flick like that? I actually think it provides exactly what information technology is supposed to. Maybe a chip more. Non a lot more, but I did like the (obvious) characters. Information technology's not amazing or earth shattering, just it is more than decent.

A few things are over the elevation of course, but still kudos to the actors, they did a proficient job on this. Things are predictable of class, merely that doesn't change the fact, that you can bask the motion picture as information technology is. The inciting incident is of course something that would bulldoze everyone mad in real life. Attempt to take the movie in, equally it was intended if y'all can

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eight /x

The Girl From Ipanema

Alarm: Spoilers

This is another motion picture that might make a meliorate play. We are given quick 30 2d character introductions before anybody crowds together. With the championship being "Lift" it isn't hard to estimate where this affair is going and what is going to happen. What makes the story interesting is the characters and details.

The characters consist of a claustrophobic comedian (Joey Slotnick) who insults nigh everyone. There is Mr. Barrow (John Getz), CEO and multi-millionaire forth with his very bratty granddaughter (Rachel and Amanda Footstep.) There is a well dressed man from the office, Don (Christopher Backus), his time to come wife and Television newscaster Maureen (Tehmina Sunny). Celine (Anita Briem) is a pretty blonde who is pregnant. She works in the aforementioned role as Don and until recently they worked rather closely...and for some reason he has never mentioned her to his future wife Maureen. Martin (Devin Ratray) is the heavy set man who likewise works for Mr. Barton. Jane Redding (Shirley Knight) is a disgruntle investor who takes her medication with Irish whiskey. Her married man recently passed away and she represents the 99% ers with an ax to grind. Mohammed (Waleed Zuaiter) is the security guard on the elevator. They are on they way up to a diner/commemoration for Mr. Barrow's company. Equally the lift gets stuck (c'mon you lot knew that was coming) Mr. Barrow remarks, "I hate to miss the first form." Moving-picture show has class struggle politics, terrorism, and prejudice as multiple themes.

As always nosotros have the personality clashes and heroics. Fairly decent drama/thriller with enough light moments. Not overpowering but well done and well acted.

F-flop, no sexual practice, no nudity, woman relieving herself on elevator.

What is most unbelievable is the $3 1000000 dollar budget. How much does getting the rights to Muzak price?

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5 /10


I liked the movie Devil (2010) and besides liked the moving picture Blackout (4) (2008)

All three of these have on affair in common, is that near of moving-picture show takes center stage in the Elevator and they all very different in a mode

This picture show was a lot better and then I thought it would, it had some decent cast, some were non likable.

I thought the picture flowed really well from to start to finish,even it just one location.

At that place one really bloody moment in this flick, which wasn't to much.

i Thought the movie was Entertaining

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3 /10


Warning: Spoilers

I only checked out this motion picture. You may notice a spoiler here. A group of people enter an office building elevator and become stuck. I of them has a bomb. Pay close attending now, the suspense is definite. Luckily for the audience the bomber was nice plenty to announce the presence of said bomb. If the bomber had not mentioned it then at that place of form would be no motion picture. It would only be "Smash", end of story.

Nonetheless, the pic is not suspenseful at all, information technology'due south also not scary. When the end credits begin to gyre y'all'll feel like you lot just tuned in to a ninety minute news circulate. Your reaction will exist, "THAT'Southward IT!?!!?, THAT'S THE ENDING!?!!?"

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7 /10

Lift? It'southward OK I'll have the stairs.

Alert: Spoilers

I approximate I expected this to be a carbon copy of Devil, fabricated bigger and brasher, that's not the case, the basic premise is the same, a group of strangers get trapped in a lift, simply this time they're threatened by a bomb. Nosotros get bigotry, racism, stupidity, jealousy, recriminations, the nine characters each bring a lot to the table.

Product values on the whole are solid, they played safety when making it let's say. The acting too is solid, the chief issue is with the characters, none of them are peculiarly likable, why did everyone allow the expectant mother search for the bomb? Shirley Knight a class above.

Hard to ascertain, definitely not a horror like Devil, more than a thriller melodrama.. Plenty of tension. The ending is crazy.

My review takes into business relationship that information technology's a B movie, I'd imagine it didn't have much of a budget, but it's inexpensive and cheerful, with enough tension to go on you watching. Fifty-fifty after reading the generally negative reviews, I liked information technology. 7/10

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iii /x

OK Concept, Just Doesn't Play Out

Alert: Spoilers

This movie was recommended for me on Netflix after I rated Buried. This movie was a really unique combination of a confined space movie and a revenge plot. I thought the "bomb lady" died too early along in the movie. I also felt like the whole Mohammed-Comedian tension never formed into anything, and was just being used as comic relief. The catastrophe was also left very open up, with all nosotros run across is Mohammed's wife never picking upwardly the phone. I wish we would have been able to meet what happened in the next few weeks, and if Mr. Barton gave them each their share. If he did, it would take been overnice to encounter what happened in their lives. I would also have liked to run across what happens when the fiancée finds out her fellow knocked up his coworker. I also saw it equally a poor selection to include the bomb maker coming frontwards, that would rarely/never happen if the plot were real. 3/10, due to the diverse cast of characters and their predicament, merely has many plot holes and just doesn't seem to be resolved.

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6 /10

Annoyingly entertaining

The bones plot is an eclectic group of people go stuck in an elevator with supposed suicide bomber. Doesn't sound great, merely I was surprised by how I got gripped by this. I thought the blend of characters actually worked, and like me, some of them you lot will loathe, which of grade helps you stay involved with the movie. An incredibly irritating yet skillful picture.

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five /ten

About eye tier.

Extremely forgettable attempt at the claustrophobic thriller that is mostly just bickering between annoying characters and I suppose thinks information technology has deep things to say when it actually doesn't.

I'g tempted to say every kind of abrasive person is represented merely I can't be certain because it'southward just not that memorable.

Not hateable, just banal as rice.

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1 /ten

Two many flaws in the script. Avert at all costs

The idea seemed attractive: nine persons trapped inside an elevator, how will they react and interact, knowing there's a bomb that'south going to explode ? The fact is that, beneath the fact that the scenario has been actually cheap (within an elevator, most of the time), the script has too many errors,logic errors that you can't stand, besides the logical suspension of disbelief that we can bring to the movie. The characters are very flat with simply very minor moments where you tin can actually savour the flick, let's say, less than ii minutes total. The movie begins slowly, bothers you with some unbelievable characters and annoys you with the sloppy script. If you can skip this movie, practice it, you'll exist glad y'all did.

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seven /10

Decent enough movie

A bit far fetched only skilful enough to picket. Not every bit much suspense north tension every bit in that location could have been.

The interim was boilerplate northward thankfully it was not over acted.

I would recommend this motion-picture show if you lot similar claustrophobic films with a decent cast.

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6 /10

This is why you leave the kids at domicile...

Warning: Spoilers

Good picture show with really decent acting, good storyline, tense with a good build upward merely a rather a flat ending.

Hated the little girl, was really rooting for her death. Playing around with buttons, look what she did....tut tut

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1 /ten

Unlikeable characters, unnecessary 'suspense', TERRIBLE movie (*spoilers*)

Alarm: Spoilers

Been watching a bunch of lesser known horror/thriller movies on Netflix recently, some are fairly expert, some are "ehhh alright", some are but bad...and so you have this pile of garbage.

Seriously one of the "worst movies evar"! I don't even know where to begin simply I beg of you please exercise NOT watch this movie.

If you do hither is a rundown of how it will go: First of all, almost all the characters in the elevator are dislikeable. In fact I hated them all except perhaps the significant lady and maybe, to some degree, the fatty guy (whose fate is ironic given that, only I won't give away besides much).

Seriously about halfway in I was only *hoping* for the bomb to explode and kill all the a-holes in the elevator. I couldn't have cared less for whatsoever of them except once more the meaning character who at least acted more sensibly than anyone else. You hate the petty girl for causing the elevator to get stuck and being stupid and whiny, you hate the 'comedian' cause he's a jackwagon, you hate the former dude 'crusade of his greed and arrogance, you hate the boyfriend dude because he'south as well another a-hole, you hate his gf because she's only interested in making a story out of the state of affairs, you hate the security baby-sit because he'due south totally useless, and you hate the one-time lady (you'll see why). You couldn't care less about any of them.

Most movies like this have maybe one guy you hate--the guy that acts like a total moron--and the rest of them or at least most of them you are rooting for, to survive. This motion picture? Nope, you desire to run into them pretty much all dead. You just want the damn bomb to explode already and kill anybody and terminate this horrible movie.

Then there are all these weird and stupid pauses and slow-paced attempts at 'suspense' that aren't suspenseful they are just slow and abrasive. Like when they search for the bomb ever then carefully instead of just looking for the damn thing. I hateful the person with the bomb walked effectually fine, made regular movements, the lift jerked around, etc. etc. and the bomb never went off then I'm pretty certain the bomb is not going to "merely go off" upon moving the flop-holder and their clothes/belongings. There'due south so many moments like this forth with pauses and waits for totally pointless reasons.

Instead of waiting for all this nonsense to transpire and agonise watching this fail of a picture, you but bound frontward again and again hoping for the betoken where either the flop has exploded or someone to interruption the 4th wall and tell yous this movie wasn't meant to exist serious and the joke is on you for watching information technology to begin with.

Then in that location are so many other things wrong with the sparse story it'south not funny. Both the attempts to escape the elevator and the rescuers (who are supposed to exist experts) attempts to become them out brand absolutely no sense. You tin tell from a mile away someone is going to get injured, and you can tell the rescuers are totally incompetent as well.

Once y'all go to the end you lot just shake your caput and realise you wasted however much time y'all wasted watching this (and hopefully not the actual run time because I pity anyone that really sat through the whole thing).

The movie is bad. Really...actually bad. Do not sentry.

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1 /10

All because of that deviling girl

Seriously if you were in that situation, who would care nigh being morally righteous and talk about homo rights. If you go along to watch, y'all volition get and so angry that you just hope them all to dice. If this picture show ever taught you lot one matter is don't be obese.

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seven /10


PROS: The whole reason I would recommend fifty-fifty watching this movie is for the catastrophe. Undoubtedly the finale part of this movie was the best part. The weight and tone that the motion picture has was perfectly embodied by the resolution. You got this dark and distressing feeling mixed with sheer dread, and I liked how that quality was displayed in both the characters, the plot, and the setting. In such a small-scale location I was surprised how much emotion they evoked from the set alone. You lot could really tell a lot of time, effort, and thinking was put into this indie horror.

CONS: The cons in this movie aren't really substantial. You could starting time out past pointing out that the acting was mediocre, the build up of intensity was sub par, or that the music/lighting was used improperly. All these qualities need to exist there for a great film, but in this pic they just barely missed the mark. This is a hard movie to critique because nothing was awful, but goose egg was great. So y'all're stuck between a stone and a difficult place because should you lot notice the interim as not existence bad, or not being good? I actually feel this a movie specific for sure peoples taste and what they find to be best overall in movies.

world wide

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10 /10

Nine people trapped in an elevator find a bomb with them.

Warning: Spoilers

The film opens to someone making a bomb which he tells an unseen guest will kill anyone inside five meters. Then we have a variety of shots of a rich metropolis in twilight. Various people go ready to become to the Barton Building in New York City. They terminate upward in the same lift A.

Donald Handley (tall Anglo executive; entitled to the hilt) and his fiancée Maureen Asana (reporter), Jane Redding (older lady, drinks difficult liquor before leaving), Martin Gossling (heart anile, Anglo, heavy gear up), Don's banana, George Axelrod (comedian, immediately attacks Don's assistant with racist humour; claustrophobic), Henry and Madeline (Henry's grandfather) Barton, and Celine Fouquet.

Because George is claustrophobic, Madeline pushes the STOP button. She calls him a liar, he calls her an evil bowwow. There'southward the start. The elevator will not start upward again.

Edifice security has no thought what to do. Barton talks to his wife on his prison cell; he tells her he'southward stuck. They call security again; a variety of excuses are offered upwards. Barton asks for the security man's name; he hangs up and cannot be reached again.

Celine is pregnant, by Don; this takes a while to come out openly. They piece of work in the same department, then Maureen wonders why Don did not greet her. A flake later, Celine has to urinate, much to everyone else's consternation.

George is Jewish; Don'due south assistant is Muslim as George suspected. He manages to insult Maureen (Indian heritage) directly equally well. The boxing lines are fatigued, verbally at least.

Jane'due south son died in Republic of iraq. The emotional fallout depressed her married man Neal, and they hoped to first sailing with their savings. However, 'Barton Investments lost all our coin.' Don was the one who suggested the loser investments. Barton himself more or less shrugged it off. "I don't hateful to sound callous," says Barton, "it's e'er the investor's decision." That did not go over well. Jane sees that her flop volition not quite go off equally expected because the elevator stopped. She dies of heart failure.

Maureen starts a newscast from the elevator via her prison cell phone. Barton keeps saying losses are the client'due south responsibility. Swell stuff. Celine gets stuck with patting downward Jane's corpse for bomb paraphernalia; sure enough, Jane had strapped on a bomb. Martin helps Don see if they can egress via the ceiling. Barton gets a call from his wife, who has heard the news through the television broadcasts.

Exercise they all brand it out safely?


Cinematography: 10/x Great looking exteriors. Excellent interiors. Most of the film is interior.

Sound: 9/10 By and large fine.

Acting: 10/10 Shirley Knight, John Getz, and Devin Ratray are veterans who know how to act. Joey Slotnik is a veteran likewise, and served every bit a very abrasive thorn. The residue were competent or amend. The twins did reasonably well as the villain the piece, the incredibly rotten thousand daughter.

Screenplay: 9/10 The story moves forth well, and does not show internal contradictions. The human being interactions were oftentimes touching.

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